When lawn runs out of water: consequences and solutions.
We have multiple impact of lack of water on grassed surfaces. The consequences can be aesthetic, environmental and economic.
What type of green roof should I choose for my home?
Extensive or intensive green roof? What are the factors to consider when choosing a green roof?
Végépolys conference "Urban Cool Islands: challenges and innovative solutions"
Climate change and its heat peaks are having an even greater impact on urban areas. Plants are one of the answers to the problem of Urban Heat Islands. But plants have a hard time surviving these hot, dry periods.
"La Nature en Ville"/"Nature in town", the outcome of our technical meeting
The successful objective of this technical meeting was to provide a forum for the exchange of best practices and solutions to problems, as well as to establish links between professions and functions.
The environmental and human impact of vegetalisation
Controlled greening of roofs and gardens has a positive impact on biodiversity and water management.